2024-2025 Event Calendar


Annual Events*

  • Popcorn Friday

    Fridays, throughout the school year.

    On listed Fridays we sell freshly popped popcorn bags. Check your Lindbergh PTA email blasts and Facebook [Lindbergh PTA Dearborn] for 2024-2025 dates.

  • Scholastic Book Fair

    September 2024 & February 2025

    A wondrous opportunity for students to purchase their own books, right in the Lindbergh Media Center. Held 2 times per school year and the school gets 50% of sales in Scholastic dollars. These Scholastic dollars help purchase new books for the teachers’ classroom every year, new books for Ms. Tiba’s birthday box, help update the upper and lower el Book Rooms, help provide book prizes for March Is Reading Month, new books for our school Library as well as other books and supplies needed in the classrooms and for students.

  • Bingo for Books

    December 12, 2024 & February 13, 2025

    Lindbergh students, friends and family members have fun playing bingo, filling up on pizza and treats, winning raffle prizes and taking home lots of books.

  • Halloween Dance

    October 18, 2024

    A chance to dress up and dance! Be amazed at the magical entertainment in the auditorium.

  • Election Bake Sale

    November 5, 2024

    We host a bake sale with donated baked goods to foster a sense of community in the Lindbergh neighborhood. Voters are welcome to purchase baked goods to enjoy while they wait in line.

  • Holiday Boutique

    November 9, 2024

    Our famous holiday celebration that focuses on local crafters selling their goods. At this annual event, we also host a bake sale and basket raffle during the boutique. Our cash raffle benefits our school/students and our basket raffle earnings go directly to our awesome Lindbergh teachers.

  • Santa Shop

    December 2-5, 2024

    A cheerful opportunity for students to purchase gifts for their friends, family and teachers. This is a great way for Lindbergh students to practice preparation, budgeting and acts of kindness.

  • Winter Holiday Craft

    December 2024

    Details coming soon!

  • STEAM Night

    February 2025

    Families are invited to a hands-on STEAM event with experiments, demonstrations, stations, and items to take home.

  • March is Reading Month

    Every day in March

    Reading is an adventure! How can you celebrate March is Reading Month? Read to a friend, go to a library, lend a friend a book! Pick a reading based activity every day in March.

  • EID Celebration

    March 2025

    A festive celebration filled with kindness, gratitude, friends and family.

  • Variety Show

    April 25, 2025

    Lindbergh students dazzle the community by singing a song or duet, playing an instrument, telling jokes, dancing, performing magic tricks and so much more! The Variety Show is a great way to showcase talents, build confidence and bring the community together.

  • Teacher Appreciation Week

    May 5-9, 2025

    One week designated in May as a special time to honor the individuals who lend their passion and skills to educating our children and help provide a safe and friendly learning environment. This week is full of surprises to show Lindbergh teachers and staff how much we appreciate their hard work. 

  • Fun Fair

    May 30, 2025

    A night of family fun to celebrate the end of the school year. Filled with carnival-inspired games and other activities where students and Lindbergh neighbors can earn prizes and compete together.

  • Field Day

    June 2, 2025

    A fantastic outdoor event during the school day that gives our students a chance to show some class pride and spend the day being active.

  • 5th Grade Picnic

    June 2025

    Fun in the sun! Lindbergh 5th graders celebrate the end of the school year (and their time at Lindbergh) with our Haigh Elementary friends for a day of swimming, games and food.

  • 5th Grade Promotion

    June 2025

    An annual ceremony to reminisce the past and wish the best for future adventures.

  • *Dates and events subject to change

Popcorn Friday

Popcorn Friday

Freshly popped popcorn!

No quarters needed! Thanks to a generous PTA member, all of the Popcorn Fridays for the rest of the year will be free! (please limit 2 bags/student)

If you would like to help with our April and/or May Popcorn Fridays, click HERE.

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Bingo for Books

Bingo for Books

Lindbergh students can play Bingo with their friends and earn brand new or slightly used books as prizes.

Wristbands $1 at door #2

Pizza $1

Water & Snacks provided for free by the PTA

Prize Raffle included with admission

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Popcorn Friday (LAST)

Popcorn Friday (LAST)

(LAST) Freshly popped popcorn!

No quarters needed! Thanks to a generous PTA member, all of the Popcorn Fridays for the rest of the year will be free! (please limit 2 bags/student)

If you would like to help with our May Popcorn Friday, click HERE.

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Fun Fair

Fun Fair

A family event to celebrate the end of the school year - carnival games, prizes, face painting, dunk tank, cake walk, inflatable obstacle courses, food and more!

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Field Day

Field Day

An outdoor event during the school day that gives our students a chance to practice teamwork, show some class pride & spend the afternoon being active!

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Ramadan/Eid Celebration

Ramadan/Eid Celebration

Friday morning, March 14th - Lindbergh students will be making a craft, taking home a goodie bag, and more! Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend during their student's time (by grade).

Due to limited space, we kindly ask no additional guests/siblings attend this event. If you are planning on attending OR are interested in attending, please RSVP below for each Lindbergh student by March 13th. 

In order to attend this in-school event, you must RSVP.

9:05-9:35am  Gerardo, Currie, Darwiche, Stetz & Hickson

9:40-10:10am  Ruselink, Noe, Gies, Jankowski, Hull & Robins

10:15-10:45am  Scott, Beydoun, Sabo, Polidori & Robey

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Popcorn Friday

Popcorn Friday

Freshly popped popcorn!

No quarters needed! Thanks to a generous PTA member, all of the Popcorn Fridays for the rest of the year will be free! (please limit 2 bags/student)

If you would like to help with our February Popcorn Friday, click HERE.

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Bingo for Books

Bingo for Books

Rescheduled due to snow day Lindbergh students, friends and family members play bingo, enjoy food and treats, win awesome raffle prizes and take home fascinating books!

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Santa Shop
to Dec 5

Santa Shop

Santa Shop is a festive holiday season opportunity for Lindbergh students to purchase gifts for their friends, family and teachers. Each gift is moderately priced and friendly volunteers are always available to help. It’s a great way for Lindbergh students to practice budgeting and acts of kindness.

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Holiday Boutique

Holiday Boutique

Join us for the 51st annual Holiday Boutique - shop artisan crafts, enjoy delicious savory and sweet treats, and support our cash raffle and basket raffle!

Cash raffle ticket proceeds fund our PTA activities, such as: Bingo for Books, Field Day, Fun Fair, Teacher/Staff appreciation, special treats for students, and other activities throughout the year. Your amazing support helps keep enrichment activities fun, educational, engaging, and affordable for our Lindbergh community.

Our creative and hardworking Homeroom Parents carefully curate beautiful baskets to be raffled off. Proceeds from the basket raffle go right back to our Lindbergh classrooms and students.

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Raffle Sales End

Raffle Sales End

Each year, the Lindbergh PTA holds one main PTA fundraiser, the Charles A. Lindbergh PTA Raffle Fundraiser. Your family’s raffle tickets and informational letter will be sent home in your oldest/only student’s homework folder.

All raffle ticket proceeds go right to our school, teachers, and students. We use these proceeds to fund our PTA activities such as Bingo for Books, Field Day, Fun Fair, Teacher/Staff appreciation, special treats for students, and other activities throughout the year. Your amazing support helps keep enrichment activities fun, educational, engaging, and affordable for our Lindbergh community.

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Raffle Sales Begin

Raffle Sales Begin

Each year, the Lindbergh PTA holds one main PTA fundraiser, the Charles A. Lindbergh PTA Raffle Fundraiser. Your family’s raffle tickets and informational letter will be sent home in your oldest/only student’s homework folder.

All raffle ticket proceeds go right to our school, teachers, and students. We use these proceeds to fund our PTA activities such as Bingo for Books, Field Day, Fun Fair, Teacher/Staff appreciation, special treats for students, and other activities throughout the year. Your amazing support helps keep enrichment activities fun, educational, engaging, and affordable for our Lindbergh community.

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Book Fair
to Sep 27

Book Fair

Shop for awesome books AND help your school! Lindbergh PTA gets 50% of sales back in Scholastic Dollars. What do we use these Scholastic Dollars for?

-New books for the teachers’ classrooms every year

-New books for our Lindbergh school library

-New books for Ms. Tiba’s birthday box. Did you know that when your child has a birthday, they can visit Ms. Tiba’s office and get a free book?

-Book prizes for March is Reading Month

-Books for the All School Read

-Updated book rooms: Both the upper and lower elementary have their own book rooms where the teachers supply leveled books for students’ book bags. These get A LOT of wear and tear and need updating from time to time

-Other books and supplies needed in the classrooms and for students

-Community support: If your family has a hardship and can’t participate in the Book Fair, come talk to us, judgment free. Our Scholastic dollars can also help make these books more affordable!

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Open House

Open House

Say hi at the PTA table! Enjoy a treat and coloring activity for the kids. Don’t forget to renew your membership for the 2024-2025 school year!

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Field Day

Field Day

Field day is a fun, outdoor event during the school day that gives our Lindbergh students a chance to spend the afternoon being active and show some class pride!

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Popcorn Friday

Popcorn Friday

We are excited to bring back Popcorn Fridays! This event cannot happen without poppers and baggers. No experience is necessary and our pop team needs you! Click HERE to sign up. Contact Zeinab Ball (ptacharleslindbergh@gmail.com) with any questions.

Volunteers, please make sure to verify your background check status with Ms. Hicks or Ms. Jennings in the office.

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Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
to May 10

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

One week designated in May as a special time to honor the individuals who lend their passion and skills to educating our children and help provide a safe and friendly learning environment. This week is full of surprises to show Lindbergh teachers and staff how much we appreciate their hard work. 

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